MANNA Pilates + Health

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Keeping It Easy When Things Are Hectic

For all of us, life gets crazy at times. Work demands, family needs, commitments…. life. When we have these moments in life, planning, prepping, and cooking healthy meals can fall down the list. We grab things that are easy and convenient. And let’s be honest, these foods typically do not nourish us. They tend to leave us feeling heavy, dull, tired, and foggy. Another espresso, please?

For me, when life gets a little overbooked, I try to keep things simple. I find this is a good time for intermittent fasting, if that works for you. I also find that drinking smoothies, bone broths, green juices, gives me the energy I need, and my digestive system a break (our guts are already angry when we are stressed). These foods leave me feeling lighter, more energized, and more clear headed. When I am really stressed for time, I turn to products that I know have great ingredients, and keep things simple. Plus- one less thing to think about! For me, Kroma is a good one. I just need to add hot water, almond milk, or some form of liquid to most of their products, and I know I’ll be running on high vibes all day. I generally with have one of their smoothies and vitality lattes for breakfast, a glass of essential greens mid-morning, and a bone broth for lunch.

With this new found energy and clarity, I can generally pull it together to make a simple, nutrient dense dinner for my family ;)

If you want to check out any of their products, you can go to MANNA PICKS. On there, you can also find a discount code.

Keep it simple, my friends!