Diaphragmatic Breathing

This is everything. If there is one course I wish everyone would take- this would be it. Diaphragmatic breathing is step one in being healthy. It improves our posture, our core strength, our digestion, our heart rate, and our sleep. It decreases stress and anxiety. Often times when we try to breathe deeper, we physically cannot because the fascia around our diaphragm, belly, intercostals, and chest are so tight and restricted.

In this course, we will discuss the how’s and why’s of diaphragmatic breathing, as well as release our respiratory fascia. In chapter 3, I will simply play a 9 minute sound bath. The sound bath will help you drop into your parasympathetic nervous system, making it easier to take fuller and deeper breaths.

Start your day with this work, and do it as often as you can for 2 weeks. You will feel such a difference in how you breathe. After that time, you will be able to notice whenever your breathing gets shallow. It is then you will want to revisit this work.

I cannot express enough just how important this work is. Find a comfortable place, dim the lights, and let’s breathe.

Diaphragmatic Breathing
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Diaphragmatic Breathing

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