MANNA Pilates + Health

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I am packing my bags for a quick getaway with a friend, and I couldn't be more excited! We often have the best intentions to stay healthy when traveling, but sometimes it is hard! Here are some of the things I always pack, to keep me on the right track, and to help me feel my best:

- A large water bottle. We lose a lot of water when we are in the air. The last thing you want to be when you arrive at your destination is dehydrated! I love my Hydroflask. I fill it up with my favorite electrolytes to ensure I'm fully hydrated and absorbing it all.

- I always pack a bottle of Lemon Essential Oil, and drink it first thing in the morning- before flying and while I'm on my trip. It's a great detoxifier, and a great morning ritual.

- Because our digestion can get a little funky after flying, I typically fast going into my flight, and wait until I land (and hydrate some more) before eating. If it's a long flight, or I really need something, I grab a Fast Bar.

- I don't like packing a bunch of vitamins and supplements when traveling, so I keep it easy with these individual sized packs of Athletic Greens. Super convenient and such a great way to get your pre and probiotics, and all the vitamins and minerals. Plus, they'll help keep you healthy and feeling vibrant!

- DoTERRA's hand sanitizing wipes are crucial! They help keep those nasty germs away, help build your immune system, and they just smell fantastic.

- A theraband is super easy to pack, for some gentle exercise and stretching. I also always back my 2 favorite balls for fascia release because our posterior fascia line and piriformis both get really tight from sitting on those planes. Foot Ball. Piriformis Ball.

- I also grab my Bose headphones and a new book and off I go! What are you currently reading?